by Bob Figular October 01, 2024

Whether you’re sailing around the world or sticking closer to home, maritime plans don’t always pan out the way we dreamed. 

Look at Abby Sunderland, whose yacht was damaged in the Indian Ocean during her attempt to complete a circumnavigation at age 16. All alone in a damaged vessel in extremely remote waters, her attempt could have ended in tragedy.

But Abby had her ditch bag with her. After triggering the Personal Locator Beacon inside, she was rescued, uninjured, within a day. 

Even if you’re not cruising a remote region, a ditch bag can save your life. Of course, you always hope you won’t need your ditch bag, but if you find yourself adrift in the water, you’ll be grateful you had the foresight to prepare.

Infographic: Survival at Sea: What Every Boater Needs in Their Ditch Bag

What to Pack in Your Ditch Bag

Whether your boat sinks, catches on fire, or encounters another kind of emergency, you’ll want some specific items close at hand. I always load the following essentials into my ditch bag in case I ever find myself floating in the water without my boat wrapped around me:

  • Beacons: While your vessel should have an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), you may not always end up in the same location as your boat. I recommend keeping a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) in your ditch bag to indicate your exact location in an emergency.
  • Radio: A handheld VHF radio may only have line-of-site range, but it can help you communicate with nearby boaters if you find yourself in trouble. 
  • Light: At minimum, a waterproof flashlight is helpful for visibility at night. I also equip all of my life jackets with strobes, which are much brighter and more visible in the water from farther away. 
  • Signal devices: This includes flares, smoke signals, and mirrors for attracting rescue. I also attach mirrors to all life jackets in case anyone becomes separated from the ditch bag and needs to signal for help.
  • Whistle: When electronic signals fail, having a manual sound-making device like a whistle can save your life. 
  • Repair kit: The Coast Guard requires life rafts to be equipped with repair kits. But if you’re in a life raft, then things have already gone wrong. I like to have more than the minimum in my ditch bag for making repairs.
  • Tools: A survival knife plus a multi-tool like a Swiss army knife can help you with many tasks without requiring you to pack the whole hardware store.
  • Protection: If you’re floating in the water, shade is hard to come by. Protective gear like a hat, lip balm, and sunscreen will help shield you, especially in areas where quick rescue isn’t likely. Gloves are a good way to protect your hands.
  • Sustenance: At the beginning of every season, I add a fresh box of food bars and some water to my ditch bag. A desalinator is also essential if you boat on salt water.
  • Medical supplies: A waterproof first-aid kit goes a long way toward mitigating emergency situations. In addition to items like bandages and motion sickness medicines, I recommend keeping essential prescriptions — insulin, for example — in your kit.
  • Emergency blankets: These small, easy-to-store blankets provide shade from the sun and heat reflection when it’s cold. Their reflective material can even help with signaling.
  • Navigation: In the ocean, you’re a minuscule, hard-to-find object. If you don’t know where you are or which direction you’re floating, it’s difficult to tell potential rescuers where to find you. A compass and a handheld GPS make a big difference.
  • Logs: Emergency situations quickly produce cognitive impairment. Having a waterproof notepad and writing utensils helps you keep track of what you’ve done and what you need to do — even simple tasks like checking your position and bailing water — without relying on your memory.
  • Documentation: Keep your important documents, such as your passport and boating papers, in your ditch bag. This is especially important in international waters.

Maintaining Your Ditch Bag

A lot of people build out their ditch bag, stow it, and never think about it again. Of course, any day you don’t need your ditch bag is a good day, but the contents do need regular attention. You don’t want to find yourself in a dangerous situation with malfunctioning gear and rancid rations.

The marine environment is harsh, meaning tools can degrade quickly and lose function when you need them most. I recommend checking your ditch bag annually at the very least to ensure you have what you need, when you need it, in working order.

Specifically, pay close attention to these key areas:

  • Expiration dates: Items like flares, medications, food, and even safety equipment all have expiration dates and must be replaced as indicated. Follow manufacturer service guidelines for beacons as well.
  • Batteries: Check and replace batteries for devices like flashlights and radios frequently. You may also consider using lithium batteries for improved longevity and performance.
  • Waterproofing: Check your bag and any internal containers for leaks to make sure your gear stays protected.
  • Operation and performance: Test electronic devices for functionality and upgrade any failing devices as necessary.
  • General condition: Inspect all items for damage, rust, and general wear and tear. 

Quote: Survival at Sea: What Every Boater Needs in Their Ditch Bag

Customizing Your Ditch Bag

Every ditch bag should be waterproof, buoyant, and brightly colored for visibility. Beyond that, you’ll further benefit from customizing your ditch bag based on your type of boating activity. Consider the risks, needs, and environment specific to your activity to decide on extra features or equipment.

Here are some guidelines to get you started:

Coastal or Inshore Boating

If you’re sailing close to shore, then a quick rescue is likely nearby. Focus on items for immediate rescue, such as a handheld VHF radio, Personal Locator Beacon, basic first-aid kit, and signaling devices like flares and a whistle.

Offshore Cruising

The farther you are from shore, the longer you’ll be waiting for help in an emergency. When boating offshore, equip your bag with an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB), additional survival provisions — including emergency rations and a water maker — and a comprehensive first-aid kit.

Adventure Racing and Competitive Sailing

Choose lightweight and compact items that provide crucial support without hindering mobility, such as inflatable signaling devices, compact mirrors, and high-calorie food bars.

Unique and Extreme Environments

Always take the time to consider the environment in which you’ll be traveling, and pack your ditch bag accordingly.

In cold areas, you’ll want to include extra thermal protection. If you’re hitting the tropics, insect netting and extra sunscreen make better use of your limited space.

Regularly review and update the contents of your ditch bag based on your planned activity and environment.

Choose High-Quality Gear

Boaters often ask me how much money they should spend building their ditch bags. I always turn the question back around: How much would you be willing to spend when you find yourself floating in the water?

Ditch bag gear — and safety equipment in general — is something I never skimp on.

High-quality items can make the difference between a survival story and a cautionary tale. As you make your selections, pay special attention to these factors:

  1. Durability: Choose waterproof products and products built for marine use so you can be sure they’ll stand up to the harsh environment.
  2. Positive reviews: Good reviews can indicate items are useful and actually do what they’re supposed to do.
  3. Multi-functionality: You don’t need to have a whole hardware store on your boat; save space by favoring tools that serve more than one purpose.
  4. Visibility: Select brightly colored items with reflective properties. This both helps others spot you in the water and helps you find and use your own tools in the dark.
  5. Safety compliance: Ensure all items adhere to safety standards recognized by the Coast Guard or local authority. Requirements can be extremely strict for safety items.
  6. Quality brands: Six life jackets for $36 may sound like a great deal, but I’d rather buy one for $36 if I can truly rely on it to save my family and friends. High-quality brands are worth the extra cost.
  7. Long-life rations: Include long-lasting, reliable food, water, and purification tools.
  8. Regular updates: Keep your ditch bag up to date with careful maintenance and new technology.

Final Thoughts: Keep Your Ditch Bag Up to Date

Your ditch bag is an important, potentially life-saving investment. And, yes, that means there’s a cost both to stocking it and maintaining it effectively.

Once your safety gear reaches its expiration date, I know it’s tempting to avert your eyes and stuff it back in your bag. After all, that was a $300 item!

But that expiration date is present for a reason. And if that item fails when you need it most, you won’t be worrying about the $300 you saved.

I recommend thinking about unused items in your ditch bag as an insurance policy you never had to cash in. No, you don’t get your money back — just like you don’t get your money back on that car insurance you didn’t use — but any day you don’t need your ditch bag is a good day.

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